Ісакова Н.В.Isakova N.V.2024-03-172024-03-171997Ісакова Н.В. Невідкладні лікувальні заходи та активне консервативне лікування при загостреннях поперекового остеохондрозу. [Автореф. дис. канд. мед. наук]. Харків: Харківський науково-дослідний інститут ортопедії та травматології ім. проф. М.І.Ситенка, 1997. 19 с.https://archive.sytenko.org.ua/handle/123456789/139A total of 9 scientifics publications and 1 Certificates for Authorship with contain findings about clinical and experimental research devoted to the pathogenesis study of structural—functional changes and clinacal manifestation in the case of lumbar ostheochondrosis as well to the development of programs and urgent assistence procedures and active conservative treatment. New findings about the sources of paint syndromes in lumbar ostheochondrosis were obtained. For the first time the genesis conceptual model of structuralfunctional changes of lumbar motive segments, paint syndromes and some other clinical manifestation is founded. Pathogenetically wet-grounded progress and urgent assistence procedures for the patients with different modalities of lumbar ostheochondrosis are developed. The choece princi pies of optimum treatment measures on the basis of treatment results prognosis are determined. Obtained new knowledge and an utilization of an urgent assistance programs and an active conservative treatment allow to increase considerably an efficiency of conservative treatment of patients with different modalities of lumbar ostheochondrosis.ukНевідкладні лікувальні заходи та активне консервативне лікування при загостреннях поперекового остеохондрозуThe urgent treatment measures and an active conservative treatment in the exacerbations of lumbar ostheochondrosisAbstract of Thesis