Умаров Ф.Х.Umarov F.Kh.2024-03-162024-03-162001Умаров Ф.Х. Внутрисуставные переломы проксимального конца костей предплечья у детей и их лечение. [Автореф. дис. канд. мед. наук]. Ташкент: Научно-исследовательский институт травматологии и ортопедии Минздрава Республики Узбекистан; 2001. 19 с.https://archive.sytenko.org.ua/handle/123456789/106In the department of children’s trauma of the Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics 148 children with forearm proximal intracapsular fractures were investigated (153 cases) during the period from 1988 to 2001. The age of children fluctuated from 5 to 15 years. Control group included 46 cases. Of them 26 underwent operation including 20 cases with radius head and neck fractures and 6 cases with olecranon fractures and 20 cases were received conservative treatment. The main group consisted of 107 cases. This group was used the complex method on clinical assessment with use of original system of ball clinical evaluations on the basis of which the algorithm of differential approach to the method of treatment were developed. Besides, selected patients were treated with new methods of operation due to radius head and neck and olecranon fractures. Of the total number of operated patients 45 were with radius head and neck fractures and 15 with olecranon fractures, and 47 cases received conservative treatment. Results of treatment evaluated by original 100% scale accounted for 13,4±1,6% in the main group and 37,5±5,2% (P < 0,05) in the control group. Thus, the use of new approaches to the diagnosis and treatment allowed to improve 2,8 times me long-term results of treatment.otherВнутрисуставные переломы проксимального конца костей предплечья у детей и их лечениеForearm proximal intracapsular fractures in children and their treatmentAbstract of Thesis